Fritid och Prylar Sweden is a swedish owned sales company situated in Skåne, Sweden. We have high quality and satisfied customers as our trademark. We started in 2005 and has grown steadily since that. Our products is of high quality (EU-standard) and easy to use.

If you like to contact us you can either send an E-mail or phone us. At our Customer service will answer your questions daily between twelve to six o’clock.

Customer service: 0046 40 - 615 22 51 (weekdays 11.00-15.00)
Plusgiro: 244311-7

Payment to our Nordea bank account. Pay the amount which you see in our checkout and in your order e-mail. When you make the transfer to us write your name and order number as payment message.

Payment details:
Bank: Nordea, 105 71 Stockholm, Sverige
Receiver: Best buy Sweden.
IBAN  SE 61 9500 0099 6018 0244 3117

Adress for boxes and letters:
Fritid och Prylar Sweden
Box 35, 232 02 Åkarp

Package Tracking DHL customer service:
0771 - 345 345 or, Here you get shipment status directly from DHL's customer service. Parcel number is sent to the customer's e-mail when your shipment is sent from Best buy Sweden.